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Powerful Auto Dialler

Automate your dialling strategy to increase live conversations with people. 

What is an Auto Dialler?

An auto dialler is a powerful tool that increases connection rates when contacting leads and enables your team to work in a more productive manner.

Why Invest in an Auto Dialler?

One of the biggest investments that a business can make is in people. When paying staff to work you should be providing them the tools to be as efficient as possible. An auto dialler takes away the human effort and time that is taken when reaching no answers, answering machines and disconnected numbers. These calls are filtered out allowing staff to focus on genuine leads.

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Features of an Auto Dialler


Answering Machine Detection

No one wants to talk to an answering machine. The auto dialler will filter these calls and only pass live calls to an agent.


Various dialling modes

An auto dialler can be configured to be predictvie, progressive(power) or preview dialling. This allows you to mix your dialling modes depending on the campaign needs.


Live call monitoring

Allow your QA teams to get a true flavour of calls and coach staff whilst on a call. 


Simple call back scheduler

Contact customers when they want a call. Simply schedule a call back and be presented with the lead at that time. Fast, efficient and reliable.

How It Works

Leads are loaded into the dialler and can be automatically loaded via API.

The auto dialler will begin dialling leads in the desired dialling modes.

Non productive leads, such as answering machines, are filtered out leaving your agents to be productive with live answers.

All call results and stats are collected and presented in modern dashboards and quality reports.



  • Increase staff productivity and experience by presenting them with live leads. 
  • All calls are recorded allowing you to find big data trends and understand customer behaviour. 
  •  Design customised workflows so that leads follow a predefined journey after having a result code applied. 
  • Empower agents with dynamic scripting and run A/B testing to confirm the best script results. 




Why Trust Us

Cost-effective contact centre solutions, with superior service and support levels, is part of the MaxContact difference.




We recommend a minimum base of 6 agents. There is no upper limit. 

We can provide Global DIDs to allow you to present area code numbers from any region.  


Preview Dialler




Progressive Dialler


IVR Automation


Predictive Dialler




VOIP Phone Dialler


Business Analytics




Quality Assurance


Omni Channel



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