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5 Cloud Call Centre Software Features That Will Enhance Your Business

The evolution of call centre software has been a steady one. While it still serves the same purpose as that of simple contact management systems, it has become more integrated and efficient with time. Taking into account the latest technologies, call centre software provides robust solutions that are scalable and make use of big data analytics for better decision making.

Call centre software comes in many varieties. It can automate your business processes or provide information when you need it the most. It ranges from simple contact management systems to full-fledged customer relationship management systems and advanced customer engagement.


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The term “call centre software” encompasses a range of applications and tools that help customers and businesses get in touch with each other. Call centre technology often implies phone or voice-based contacts. Contact Centre Software is typically used in cases where several communication channels are utilised. Most call centres need a range of tools to manage customer contacts. Inbound contact centres handle incoming communications (e.g., phone calls) and provide services to consumers; they may include live agents who answer questions or requests for assistance. Outbound call centres place outgoing telephone calls to prospective clients or customers. In any case - whether you’re a team of 10 or hundreds - choosing the right tools for building your call centre is crucial to improving customer satisfaction.

When determining which technologies are best for your company, consider the following:

  • What is your budget?
  • How deeply ingrained into day-to-day operations will the technology be?
  • Will the technology require additional infrastructure or software?
  • What type of integrations does the technology offer with other programs you use?

Here we will go over 5 essential key features every call management software should have.


1. Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

The IVR is usually the first encounter your consumers and prospects have with your contact centre when they call, so making a good connection with customers is critical. Consumers are more used to dealing with IVRs than ever before, and they frequently want to handle things like giving meter readings rather than waiting in line to speak with an agent. Allowing your centre agents to schedule self-service functions 24 hours a day, seven days a week may save time and money while allowing you to operate without additional expense or personnel. Allowing competent staff to manage more complicated inquiries and escalations reduces time spent on these activities.


2. Call Recording Software

A key point of consideration when deciding on your contact centre software is how it will manage call recording. When you have a lot of calls going through your contact centre, you need to ensure that all the information from each recorded call is made available when needed. It should be easy for agents and supervisors to access recordings at any time so they can get adequate support in resolving customer issues and queries.

Call recording software captures all calls, including transfers to other users and third-party off-site transfers. However, with so many recordings, traditional call recording systems are often found to be difficult to navigate and use in terms of efficiency. 

This is where an advanced call recording system comes in. Such a tool allows you to spot transferred calls and a lot more, saving time and effort for your staff so they can focus on feedback, not searching for or managing files.


3. Data Management Tools

A call centre is only as successful as its data analysis, so having access to all of the statistics you need without excess hassle is critical. Data management tools make it easy for your team to get the full picture of how your contact centre works, what areas are most efficient and where changes need to be made.

A report suite should be available to call centre professionals who need to be able to closely monitor their operations. With an adequate reporting tool, users won't get lost in the data because they'll have access to all of the relevant facts and statistics that they need. The reporting suite should include call monitoring capabilities that allow employees to identify issues with quality assurance.


4. Skills-Based Routing

Ensures that customers are connected to the proper queue and the most competent agents for their call, while also allowing for the best overflow solutions during high-volume periods, increasing customer trust satisfaction. An advanced skills-based routing tool can help you make the most of your workforce, ensuring that customers are always served by the right agent at any given time. This tool allows you to automate aspects of routing, so your agents are always connected with the most relevant leads or contact areas. This technology enables you to ensure that certain types of calls are routed to the right people, even in cases where call volumes are extremely high or low. 


5. Workforce Engagement Management

In a company, scheduling staff shifts and patterns of work is one of the most difficult tasks, with holidays, rotas, workloads, skill sets, contracted hours, SLA's , and KPIs being only some of the many variables. The ideal Workforce Engagement Management looks at all of your contact centre's and company's interactions, and using statistical analysis ensures that you have the appropriate personnel with the required skills in place to reach your objectives. 

Such is often best done by automation rather than manually, which is one of the key reasons why WFM can be so beneficial for your business - freeing up time for your employees and managers to focus on more important matters that greatly impact your organisation. This is achieved while also maintaining low employee counts and therefore expenses.


Determining Your Requirements

You may have the best agent-to-customer ratio possible, but without the right technologies to back you up, you'll still fall short. This is because contact centres are often so complex that they require a number of different tools and advanced features in order to function at their effective best. Call centre software can help you manage your staff better, develop an effective workforce and ensure that they're properly trained.

While some tools are standard across all platforms, there are others that can vary greatly.  Making the appropriate decision for your organisation really comes down to thoroughly considering its needs, objectives and circumstances. By keeping these factors in mind, organisations can pick the right platform for their company that will allow them to be as equipped as possible in their ongoing operations. Why not chat with us today to find out how we can help you transform your business with our solutions.


Let's work together! Book a discovery chat with Kylie here.



Daniel Harding
Post by Daniel Harding
Daniel is the Director of MaxContact Australia. Since launching the business in Australia with its first clients in 2019, it has rapidly grown to become the solution of choice for businesses across Australia and New Zealand. Daniel has a comittment to ensuring that MaxContact Australia continues to grow whilst delivering value for all customers.