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A dialler in a call centre environment is a system that dials a list of phone numbers and connects answered calls to available call centre agents. It automates the process of making calls - enhancing operations and reducing the amount of time agents spend dialling numbers. Technology such as diallers, alongside better training, decrease average hold time (AHT) by roughly 20%. 


Most dialler platforms will have 3 calling types - Predictive, Progressive and Preview. Each dialler is slightly different but they share the same goal. 




Who Are Diallers For? 

Diallers can benefit any organisation that engages in outbound calls and communication - including numerous teams within a call centre environment. They can improve communication efficiency and improve customer service strategies.


Outbound Sales

Diallers are highly effective in outbound sales teams. They can help sales experts to reach potential customers much more quickly. Many outbound sales representatives aim for a target of 50 to 80 calls per day - and a dialler can increase this number by:  

  • Prioritising high-value leads
  • Minimising agent idle time 
  • Pre-loading call queues 


Diallers ultimately help to improve the customer experience and maximise sales across the board, making them a must-have in any sales call centre. 


Customer Service Teams 

58% of customers would pay more for better customer service - customer satisfaction is paramount in a call centre environment. A dialler can assist customer service teams by managing a higher volume of calls. 


This technology can route calls based on factors such as availability and expertise. Around 79% of calls are rerouted at least once, but a dialler can ensure the call is routed to the right agent or team. 


Diallers can ensure that calls are handled more effectively - improving customer satisfaction levels. 



The average B2B telemarketer makes around 35 calls per day - with some agents making up to 100 calls daily. Diallers help telemarketing achieve this high volume of calls - they automate the dialling process, meaning that telemarketers can reach as many prospects as they need to. 




What Are The Types of Dialler Software? 

There are several types of dialler software used in call centres around the world - the main types being manual, auto, and click-to-call diallers. 


Manual Dialler

First of all, we have the traditional manual method. This is when agents manually dial each number from the list. This method is much less efficient than automated systems - after all, it can take around 20 seconds to dial a number manually. However, this method does allow for more personalised interactions.


Auto Dialler

This is one of the most popular types of dialler software. It completely automates the dialling process. It can connect agents to answered calls only, saving time and effort. There are several types of auto-diallers used in call centres: 

  1. Power Dialler - Allows you to dial one number at a time, and conveniently moves to the next call when the call is ended. This can ensure that call centre agents constantly remain connected to live calls. 
  2. Preview Dialler - Allows call centre agents to see information about the customer before they dial. This means that agents can prepare for the call as needed. However, this preparation can reduce call rates. 
  3. Predictive Dialler - Optimises call times by anticipating when agents will be available. Predictive diallers dial several numbers at once - which, although can improve call flow, can lead to higher abandonment rates (only if agents are unavailable to take calls) 


Click-to-Call Dialler

Next, we have semi-automatic call diallers. Click-to-call diallers do require agent input to initiate calls, which can make the process more personalised. Agents simply click to initiate a call - which not only saves time but can eliminate the risk of misdialling numbers. 


Top 5 Features of a Dialler 

Diallers can improve efficiency across call centres and boost the customer experience. Here are the top 5 features commonly found in call centre dialler systems: 


1. Automated Dialing

The most fundamental feature of diallers is automated dialling. This allows diallers to automatically call phone numbers without having to manually type them in, which can save valuable time for call centre agents. Some types of auto-diallers can also allow simultaneous calling, and display relevant information about the customers when they connect the call. 


2. Local Caller ID

People are much more likely to answer the phone from local and recognisable area codes compared to unrecognisable numbers. Local caller ID can increase answer rates by close to 4 times compared to toll-free numbers and non-local area codes. When call centres implement a local presence, they can increase call rates and make it easier to reach KPIs. 


3. Voicemail Drop

Another key feature of diallers is voicemail drop - with some diallers, call centre agents can leave pre-recorded messages. They don’t have to wait for the call to be answered, which can save time and streamline the follow-up process. It means agents can reach more people in less time, boosting outbound call rates and overall efficiency. 


4. Call Routing

Next, we have call routing. This feature conveniently connects callers to the most suitable agent or team, based on factors such as which agents are available or what the call is regarding. This can improve customer satisfaction by ensuring callers are connected with the most appropriate representatives. Ultimately, call routing can increase the number of successful calls. 


5. Reporting and Analytics

Diallers often provide valuable insights into metrics such as agent performance and call outcomes, making it easier to manage and measure KPIs. It means call centre managers and supervisors can track performance and identify areas that need improvement, which can ultimately enhance strategies and productivity in call centre environments. 




Dialler Solutions at MaxContact

Utilise our sophisticated cloud-based dialler solutions today. Our solutions can improve call centre operations and boost overall agent productivity. 


Our dialler solution has been effective in many telemarketing companies, such as Thomas Direct. Since moving to us, Thomas Direct have seen an improvement in all of their KPIs. 


“The simple-to-use admin side of the system has allowed us to onboard campaigns quickly.”    Vanessa Gilbert - Contact Centre Manager.


You can benefit too. Book a demo with one of the following today: 

Daniel Harding
Post by Daniel Harding
Daniel is the Director of MaxContact Australia. Since launching the business in Australia with its first clients in 2019, it has rapidly grown to become the solution of choice for businesses across Australia and New Zealand. Daniel has a comittment to ensuring that MaxContact Australia continues to grow whilst delivering value for all customers.