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Complaints Policy

At MaxContact Australia, we're dedicated to providing high-quality services and exceptional customer experiences. However, we understand that there might be times when our services may not meet your expectations. This Complaints Policy is designed to ensure that any concerns or complaints you might have are addressed promptly, fairly, and effectively.


Our Commitment

We take all complaints seriously and are committed to handling them in a professional and confidential manner. Our aim is not only to resolve any issues you might encounter but also to learn from them to improve our services continuously.


How to Make a Complaint

If you're dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, we encourage you to let us know. You can submit your complaint through our website, by email, or by calling our customer service team. Please provide as much detail as possible about your complaint, including your contact information, so we can address it effectively.


Handling Your Complaint

Upon receiving your complaint, we will acknowledge it promptly, usually within a couple of working days. We will then review your complaint thoroughly, which may involve contacting you for further information or clarification. Our goal is to resolve complaints as quickly as possible, and we strive to do so within a reasonable timeframe, keeping you informed throughout the process.



Once we've completed our investigation, we'll contact you to discuss the outcome and any actions we have taken or plan to take. Our response will aim to be clear, addressing your concerns directly. If you're satisfied with the outcome, we'll close the complaint. If not, we'll discuss further options with you.


Continuous Improvement

Feedback from complaints is a valuable source of learning for us. We use this information to improve our services and prevent similar issues from happening in the future. This may involve reviewing our policies, processes, or training to better meet your needs.



If you're not satisfied with how your complaint has been handled or the resolution, you can request an escalation. This means your complaint will be reviewed by a senior member of our team for further consideration.


Contact Us

Your satisfaction is important to us, and we're here to help resolve any issues you might encounter. If you have a complaint or are dissatisfied in any way, please don't hesitate to contact us through our preferred communication channels.


This Complaints Policy reflects our commitment to you and our dedication to providing a high standard of service. We hope to resolve any complaints efficiently and to your satisfaction, ensuring a positive experience with MaxContact Australia.